Magic Mirror Photo Booth Backgrounds
Below you will find a selection of our stock backdrops for our Magic Mirror Photo Booth.
If your package included a backdrop for your photo booth images, please write down the name of the backdrop you wish to use and send that information to our customer service team to ensure that it is part of your rental.

The green screen background is required for the use of the green screen option in the Magic Mirror Photo Booth.
We also offer the option to have a personalized backdrop ordered for your event.
Please feel free to contact us with any other questions.

We have over a decade of capturing cherished wedding memories and turning moments into love legends.

Why Choose Us?
We're your local Charlotte Wedding Photographer experts with over 15 years experience. We've uncovered the city's secret gardens, the intimate alcoves, and the ethereal backdrops where your love story comes to life in each frame.
Your vision and dreams, our commitment. We walk you through everything and leave nothing to chance. We customize the look and feel of your images to your desires and what you dream up.
With awards from Wedding Wire and the Knots as well as our publications in wedding magazines around the globe we prove that we are the best in our industry.
With our process and intentional shooting style, we capture the unnoticed moments, otherwise forgotten memories, unexpected prospectives, and unique personalities unique to each couple.